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UrbanBioScore – biodiversity in cities

What will you find here?

On this website you will find links to tools for working with biodiversity in cities. Together with a number of partners, Aarhus University has developed a method for registering indicators for biodiversity in cities, which is described in the report. In addition, you will find a link to bynatur.app, which has been developed to facilitate data collection, as well as field forms for manual data entry. During 2024, UrbanBioScore will be developed into a score that provides an overall assessment (UrbanBioScore) of the biodiversity of the registered location based on data collected with an app or forms. 

Registering urban biodiversity indicators in cities

The methodology ensures a consistent and reproducible collection of urban biodiversity data that can become a national standard. The purpose is to record and document indicators of biodiversity in cities. This data will form the basis for a subsequent assessment and scoring of the biodiversity of the mapped habitats. The method is designed to be simple to use and at the same time provide a sufficiently nuanced picture of biodiversity. The method is primarily aimed at professionals working with monitoring, management, planning and/or development of urban nature. Landowners, authorities, consultants, etc. can use the method to get an overview of the status of biodiversity and to document the extent to which a project fulfils biodiversity standards and objectives.

The method was developed by researchers at Aarhus University, Department of Ecoscience, in collaboration with Kristine Kjørup Rasmussen, PhD in vegetation ecology, and an advisory group consisting of urban nature professionals from: COWI, Habitats, Futurista, Natur 360, Niras, Rambøll, Council for Sustainable Construction, SLA, Sted Architects and WSP. The development is financially supported by ConTech Lab.